Sunday, 24 July 2016

Vegetable Soup Stock

Its always healthier ,not to mention tastier, to make your own soup stock than to use the store bought powders.  The best part is that its so easy!


3 large baby marrows sliced
3 large carrots peeled and sliced
3 large leeks sliced
3 stalks celery sliced
2 onions peeled and cut into quarters
handful mushrooms
1 turnip
handful fresh parsley
3 bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste
3 cloves garlic peeled and smashed to release flavours (do this by pressing the flat side of a knife over the clove and hitting once hard)

This list of ingredients is just a suggestion.  you can really use any vegetables you have lying around or leave out what you don't have.


1.  Place all the ingredients in a large pot and fill with water until all the vegetables are covered.
2.  Bring to a boil and allow to simmer on medium high temp. for approximately 2 hours.
3.  Drain the vegetables keeping the liquid.
4.  The liquid left behind is the stock.  The vegetables are pretty much useless at this point.  you can eat them as is, discard or even use as compost.

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